
  • 2015 Depoliticising Migration: Global Governance and International Migration Narratives, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Migration has become, since the nineties, the subject of growing international discussion and cooperation. By critically analyzing the reports produced by international organisations on migration, this book sheds light on the way these actors frame migration and develop their recommendations on how it should be governed.

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  • 2014 International Organisations and the Politics of Migration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(6) (avec Martin Geiger

A core feature of contemporary migration politics lies in the claim to regulate and discipline the cross- border mobility of people "through", "in the interest of" and "with the help of" the very individuals that cross national borders. Popularized by notions such as "smart borders" or "migration management", these practices and technologies raise important questions regarding strategies of migration control, the exercise of power, and their effects on individuals, societies and states. This volume scrutinizes these new developments and shows that mobility and migration politics are based on a mix of traditional coercive interventions and less repressive and indirect practices. Both types of practices are shown to pertain to the common conceptual umbrella provided by the notion of discipline. The contributors discuss disciplining strategies that, while apparently different, share the common objective of making sense of, ordering and, ultimately, steering and "managing" human mobility. (Source : 4ème de couverture)

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  • 2013 Migration, Development and the « Migration and Development Nexus », Population, Space and Place 19(4) (avec Martin Geiger)

This paper provides an overview of current debates questioning the relationship between migration and development. A key argument is that mainstream academic and policy discussions often remain within a non-critical paradigm that sees the relationship between migration and development as natural, and development as something that can be achieved through direct or indirect policy initiatives. The contributions to this special issue challenge this perspective by showing that the connection between migration and development is the product of a political and scientific construction. They demonstrate that both migration and development policies are embedded in imbalanced power relations and north–south divide. This calls for building upon the findings of critical development studies to rethink the so-called ‘migration and development nexus’. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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  • 2011 Migration and Climate Change, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press (avec Etienne Piguet et Paul de Guchteneire).

Migration and Climate Change provides an authoritative overview of the relationship between climate change and migration. It brings together both case studies and syntheses from different parts of the world and critically discusses empirical evidence, methodological challenges, conceptual gaps, policy responses, and normative issues. The book constitutes a unique and thorough introduction to one of the most discussed but least understood consequences of climate change and brings together experts from a wide range of disciplines, including anthropology, climatology, demography, geography, law, political science and sociology.

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  • 2010 The Politics of International Migration Management, Basingstoke : Palgrave (avec Martin Geiger)

Throughout the world, governments and intergovernmental organizations, such as the International Organization for Migration are developing new approaches aimed at renewing migration policy-making. This book, now in paperback, critically analyzes the actors, discourses and practices of migration management.

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  • 2009 Migration and Human Rights. The United Nations Convention on Migrant Workers’ Rights, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press (avec Paul de Guchteneire et Ryszard Cholewinski). (version PDF en ligne)


Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • 2014 ‘La difficile costruzione di un consenso internazionale sulla fuga dei cervelli’, Mondi Migranti 2/2014 : 201-227 (avec Antonina Levatino).
    ‘États-nations, mobilité et citoyenneté dans le discours international sur les migrations’, Raisons politiques 2014/2, no. 54, pp. 67-85.
    ‘Une analyse du discours international sur la “fuite des cerveaux” : un consensus en trompe-l’oeil’, Cahier d’Etudes africaines LIV (1-2), 213-214, pp. 195-215 (avec Antonina Levatino).
    ‘International Organisations and the Politics of Migration’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(6): 865-887 (avec Martin Geiger)
  • 2013 ‘Les transferts de fonds vus par les organisations internationales : construction d’un enjeu et élaboration d’un agenda politique international’, Autrepart 2013/4-5, no. 67-68: 13-30.
    ‘Libre circulation, de l’idéal au politique’, Revue Projet 335, août, pp. 50-59.
    ‘Migration, Development and the «Migration and Development Nexus»’, Population, Space and Place 19(4): 369-374 (avec Martin Geiger)
  • 2012 ‘Introduction : New Perspectives on Skilled Migration’, Diversities 14(1): 1-7 (avec Any Freitas et Antonina Levatino)
    ‘Immigration, entreprenariat et ethnicité. Comprendre la création de commerces au sein des populations d’origine immigrée’, Métropoles 11.
    ‘Overcoming the ethical dilemmas of skilled migration? An analysis of international narratives on the “brain drain”’, American Behavioral Scientist 56(9): 1258-1276 (avec Antonina Levatino).
    ‘Introduction: New Perspectives on the Ethics of International Migration’, American Behavioral
    Scientist 56(9): 1159-1164 (avec Ricard Zapata).
  • 2011 ‘Migración y cambio climático’, Migraciones 30 : 161-196 (avec Etienne Piguet et Paul deGuchteneire).
    ‘Changements climatiques et migrations : quels risques, quelles politiques ?’, Information géographique 75(4) : 86-109 (avec Etienne Piguet et Paul de Guchteneire).
    ‘Migration and Climate Change: An Overview’, Refugee Survey Quarterly 30(3): 1-23 (avec Etienne Piguet et Paul de Guchteneire).
  • 2010 ‘What is ethnic in an ethnic economy?’, International Review of Sociology – Revue Internationale de Sociologie 20(1): 59-76.
    ‘Controllo delle frontiere, campagne i informazione e credibilita delle politiche migratorie’, Mondi migranti 1/2010 : 7-28.
    ‘Les obstacles à la ratification de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la protection des droits des travailleurs migrants’, Droit et société 75 : 431-451 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
    ‘Contrôle des frontières, campagnes d’information et crédibilité des politiques d’immigration’, Asylon(s) no. 8.
  • 2009 ‘La crédibilité des politiques d’immigration à l’épreuve des sans-papiers’, Migrations Société 21(126) : 9-18.
    ‘The UN Convention on Migrant Workers’ Rights and International Migration Management’, Global Society. Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations 23(3): 333-350.
  • 2008 ‘Campagnes d'information et traite des êtres humains à l'est de l'Europe’, Espace Populations Sociétés 2008-2 : 319-330 (avec Céline Nieuwenhuys).
    ‘La Convencion de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Trabajadores Migrantes. Obstaculos, oportunidades y perspectivas’, Migraciones, 24: 9-55 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
    ‘La Convention des Nations Unies sur les Droits des Travailleurs Migrants’, Hommes & Migrations 1271 : 6-19 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
  • 2007 ‘Migrations sans frontières. Peut-on envisager la libre circulation des personnes ?’, Futuribles 333 : 35-53 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
    ‘Immigration et entreprenariat. Les Philippins à Paris’, Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 23(2) : 199-216 (avec Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot).
    ‘Human Trafficking, Information Campaigns and Strategies of Migration Control’, American Behavioral Scientist 50(12): 1674-1695 (avec Céline Nieuwenhuys). [republié in Marie SEGRAVE, Human Trafficking, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013]
    ‘Between global governance and human rights: international migration and the United Nations’, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 8(2): 115-123 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
    ‘Emergence of entrepreneurship along Filipino migrants in Paris’, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 16(1): 1-28 (avec Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot).
  • 2006 ‘Commerce et culture : le cosmopolitisme des entrepreneurs turcs à Berlin’, Migrations Société 18(108): 213-228.
    ‘Circulations migratoires et contrôles aux frontières’, Migrations Société 18(107): 51-63.
    ‘International Migration, Border Controls and Human Rights: Assessing the Relevance of a Right to Mobility’, Journal of Borderlands Studies 21(1): 69-86 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
    ‘Migration, Human Rights and the United Nations. An investigation into the low ratification record of the UN Migrant Workers Convention’, Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 24(2): 241-266 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
  • 2006 ‘Circulations migratoires et contrôles aux frontières’, Migrations Société 18(107): 51-63.
    ‘International Migration, Border Controls and Human Rights: Assessing the Relevance of a Right to Mobility’, Journal of Borderlands Studies 21(1): 69-86 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
    ‘Migration, Human Rights and the United Nations. An investigation into the low ratification record of the UN Migrant Workers Convention’, Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 24(2): 241-266 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
  • 2005 ‘Migración sin fronteras : una investigación sobre la libre circulación de personas’, Migraciones Internacionales 3(2) : 137-166 (avec Paul de Guchteneire).
    ‘Les enjeux de l’entreprenariat immigré’, Revue de l’Immigration Internationale et de l’Intégration / Journal of International Migration and Integration 6(3) : 377-403.
  • 2004 ‘Individu, culture, structure. Trois approches des activités commerciales’, Social Anthropology /Anthropologie Sociale 12(3): 359-365.
    ‘Do immigrants have a business culture? The political epistemology of fieldwork in Berlin’s Turkish economy’, Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe 4(2): 19-25.
    ‘Citoyenneté politique, citoyenneté économique. Entreprenariat immigré et politiques d’intégration
    à Berlin’, Tsantsa – Revue de la Société Suisse d’Ethnologie 9: 81-89.
    ‘Réseaux, ethnicité et institutions dans les économies immigrées’, Hommes & Migrations 1250: 13-23.
    ‘Entrepreneurship and identity. Cosmopolitanism and cultural competencies among German-Turkish businesspeople in Berlin’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 30(1): 3-20.
    ‘L’anthropologue confronté à ses interlocuteurs. Concept de culture et contexte politique dans l’ethnographie de l’entreprenariat turc à Berlin’, ethnographiques.org no. 5.
  • 2003 ‘Self-employment and immigrants’ incorporation: The case of Turks in Germany’, Immigrants & Minorities 22(2-3): 247-261.
    ‘Y a-t-il une économie turque à Berlin? Question d’identités dans une société multiculturelle’, Migrations Société 15(85): 99-110.
  • 2002 ‘Cosmopolitanism and Business among German-Turks in Berlin’, Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe 2(1): 2-12.
    ‘« Weltoffenheit schafft Jobs » : Turkish Entrepreneurship and Multiculturalism in Berlin’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 26(3): 494-507.
  • 2001 ‘The cultural dimension of entrepreneurship in Berlin’s Turkish economy’, Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 17(2): 153-168.
  • 2000 ‘Thinking and rethinking ethnic economies’, Diaspora, 9(3): 439-462.